Patent Policy Summary

In support of the patent policy of ANSI, the chairman of each TC/TG is required to solicit submissions from those parties who hold patents (U.S. or foreign) that have been granted or are under application and who feel that such patents cover technology described in a standard that is under development or has been approved.

The request is that any such party submit a letter which will be kept on file at ANSI's Standards office. These letters will be made available to any party upon request. We ask assurance that any granted patent will follow the ANSI patent policy.

"In particular, the identified party or patent holder must supply ANSI with either:

  • a general disclaimer to the effect that such party does not hold and does not currently intend holding any invention the use of which would be required for compliance with the proposed standard


  • a written assurance that either:
  1. a license will be made available without compensation to applicants desiring to utilize the license for the purpose of implementing the standard,


  2. a license will be made available to applicants under reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair discrimination"

The submitter should feel free to include any other information that they wish to communicate in such a letter that will be available on a long-term basis.

The letter should be addressed and submitted to the TC/TG Chair and signed by a responsible party that holds or will hold assignment rights to the patent.

(This page was last updated 2007/07/30.)

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