Date: Feb 27, 1993 X3T9.2/93-037 rev 0 To: X3T9.2 Committee (SCSI) From: George Penokie (IBM) Subject: When to issue SDTR after WDTR It not 100% clear in SCSI-2 that anytime a WDTR message is issued that it must be followed immediately by a SDTR message. I propose that in the SCSI-3 SIP document the following be added to make it clear that a SDTR message must follow a WDTR message. In the section which describes the SDTR message another item be added to the list of conditions which leaves the data transfer agreement in a indeterminate state. That item should be: after a WDTR message is sent. In the section which describes the WDTR message a statement should be added which states: The any device that initiates a WDTR message shall renegotiate SDTR before proceeding to a data phase.