TO : John Lohmeyer, Chairman, X3T9.2 Committee (SCSI) : Membership, X3T9.2 Committee (SCSI) FROM : Doug Pickford, Western Digital Corporation Subject : FORMAT STATUS LOG PAGE Date : July 18, 1991 Document : X3T9.2/91-106, Rev 1 File : 91-106R1.txt Introduction SCSI-2 provides very powerful controls over the format of a rigid disk drive device. The advent of the FORMAT STATUS LOG PAGE for SCSI-3 provides the vital information necessary to understand the conditions under which the most recent successful FORMAT UNIT operation occurred and create a correlation to the current condition of the drive. The result of this correlation provides the capability to understand defect growth rates. The changes made to X3.131-199x are indicated with | in the left margin. 7.3.2 Log Parameters ...Most log pages contain one or more special data structures called log parameters (see Table 7-51). Log parameters may be data counters of a | particular event (or events), the circumstances under which certain | operations were performed or log parameters may be list parameters (strings) which contain a description of a particular event. Table 7-53: Log Page Codes Page Code Description Section ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 01h Buffer Over-Run/Under-Run Page 03h Error Counter Page (Read) Page 04h Error Counter Page (Read Reverse) Page 05h Error Counter Page (Verify) Page 02h Error Counter Page (Write) Page 07h Last n Error Events Page 06h Non-Medium Error Page 00h Supported Log Pages | 08h Format Status Page | 09h - 2Fh Reserved 3Fh Reserved 30h - 3Eh Vendor-specific pages Format Status LOG Page (NEW SECTION) This page (page code 08h) captures the state of the device since the most recent successful FORMAT UNIT command performed. Additionally, this page records the impact that Defect Management has had on the device. Table 7-60: Format Status Page ========================================================================= Bit | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | Byte | | | | | | | | | ========================================================================= 0 | Reserved | Page Code (08h) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 1 | Reserved | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 2 | (MSB) | ------------ Page Length (2Ch) --- | 3 | (LSB) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 4 | (MSB) Format | ------------ Options --- | 5 | Parameter Code (0000h) (LSB) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 6 | DU | DS | 0 | 0 | 00 | RSVD | 0 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 7 | Parameter Length (04h) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 8 | Byte 1 of Format Unit CDB | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 9 | Byte 1 of Defect List Header | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 10 | Byte 2 of Defect List Header | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 11 | Byte 3 of Defect List Header | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 12 | (MSB) Grown Defects | ------------ during Certification --- | 13 | Parameter Code (0001h) (LSB) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 14 | DU | DS | 0 | 0 | 00 | RSVD | 0 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 15 | Parameter Length (04h) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 16 | (MSB) | - - - - - - Event Count --- | 19 | (LSB) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 20 | (MSB) Total Blocks | ------------ Reallocated During Format --- | 21 | Parameter Code (0002h) (LSB) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 22 | DU | DS | 0 | 0 | 00 | RSVD | 0 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 23 | Parameter Length (04h) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 24 | (MSB) | - - - - - - Event Count --- | 27 | (LSB) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 28 | (MSB) Total Blocks | ------------ Reallocated Currently --- | 29 | Parameter Code (0003h) (LSB) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 30 | DU | DS | 0 | 0 | 00 | RSVD | 0 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 31 | Parameter Length (04h) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 32 | (MSB) | - - - - - - Event Count --- | 35 | (LSB) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 36 | (MSB) Power On Minutes | ------------ Since Format Unit --- | 37 | Parameter Code (0004h) (LSB) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 38 | DU | DS | 0 | 0 | 00 | RSVD | 0 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 39 | Parameter Length (08h) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 40 | (MSB) | - - - - - - Event Count --- | 47 | (LSB) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| 48 | (MSB) | - - - - - - Vendor Specific --- | 95 (LSB) | ========================================================================= Format Options: This field contains four bytes which capture the set up options employed for the most recent, successful Format Unit operation performed. Byte 1 of Format Unit CDB: This byte includes the FmtData bit (List passed by Initiator during DATA OUT), CmpLst (List passed by Initiator is complete) and Defect List Format bits. Refer to section 8.2.1 for complete details concerning the FORMAT UNIT command. Byte 1 of Defect List Header: This byte defines the Defect List options. Refer to section 8.2.1 for complete details about Defect List options. Bytes 2,3 of Defect List Header: These bytes define the Defect List Length (number of defects in the list). Refer to section 8.2.1 for complete details about the Defect List Header. Grown Defects During Certification Event Count: This is a counter of the number of defects detected as a result of performing Certification which were not already part of the Plist or Glist. If a Certification pass was not performed this field shall be returned as 0000h. Total Blocks Reallocated During Format Event Count: This is a counter of the total blocks reallocated as a result of the FORMAT UNIT operation. This includes those errors in the Plist, Glist, Dlist or Clist. Total Blocks Reallocated Currently Event Count: This is a counter of the total number of blocks which have been reallocated as of the current LOG SENSE request. Power On Minutes Since Format Event Count: This field represents the number of usage minutes which have elapsed since the most recently successful FORMAT UNIT command. This field provides for approximately 500 years of counting capability. Implementor's Note 1: The fields which are affected by the FORMAT UNIT command should not be updated until its successful completion. Implementor's Note 2: Event counts are returned as a result of the LOS SENSE command. LOG SELECT cannot be used to preset (a value other than zero) any of the above event counts. Attempts to change these event counts by issuing a LOG SELECT with these fields set to non-zero values is not considered an error and will have no affect on the saved values. Table 8-44: Log Page Codes Page Code Description Section ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 01h Buffer Over-Run/Under-Run Page 03h Error Counter Page (Read) Page 04h Error Counter Page (Read Reverse) Page 05h Error Counter Page (Verify) Page 02h Error Counter Page (Write) Page 07h Last n Error Events Page 06h Non-Medium Error Page 00h Supported Log Pages | 08h Format Status Page | 09h - 2Fh Reserved 3Fh Reserved 30h - 3Eh Vendor-specific pages