Date: Nov 16, 1990 X3T9.2/90-184 Rev 0 To: X3T9.2 Committee (SCSI) From: George Penokie (IBM) Subject: New Additional Sense Code/Qualifiers Proposal: We are requesting nine ASCQs be added to the SCSI-3 standard. These ASCQs allow reporting of conditions in which the a Target is not currently able to report. Byte 12 13 DTLPWRSOMC Description 0C 03 D W O Write Error, Recommend Reassignment 14 05 DT W O Record Not Found, Recommend Reassignment 16 04 D W O Data Sync Error, Recommend Reassignment If PER=1 the above three codes (0C 03, 14 05, 16 04) would be issued when the Target has determined a sector should be reallocated. Byte 12 13 DTLPWRSOMC Description 16 01 D W O Data Sync Error, Data Rewritten 17 09 D W O Recovered Data Without ECC, Data Rewritten 18 07 D W O Recovered Data With ECC, Data Rewritten If PER=1 and the data was rewritten by the Target one of the above three codes (16 01, 17 09, 18 07) would be issued. Byte 12 13 DTLPWRSOMC Description 14 06 DT W O Record Not Found, Data Auto-Reallocated 16 03 D W O Data Sync Error, Data Auto-Reallocated If PER=1 and the data was auto-reallocated by the Target one of the above two codes (14 06, 16 03) would be issued. Byte 12 13 DTLPWRSOMC Description 16 02 D W O Data Sync Error, Recommend Rewrite If PER=1 the above code (16 02) would be reported when the Target has determined that rewritten the data will permanently remove the error condition.