6-8-90 X3T9.2/90-086 TO: X3T9.2 / SCSI-3 FROM: Thomas Wicklund / Ciprico RE: SCSI-2 caching page problem In examining the caching page, I find that some of the parameters are poorly specified. I'm not sure that this can be corrected in SCSI-2 but should be cleaned up in conjunction with any modifications made for SCSI-3. All comments relate to section I will refer to page numbers and paragraphs in the Rev 10c document distributed with the April mailing. On page 8-66 the 3rd paragraph states: "A minimum pre-fetch field of zero indicates that pre-fetching should be terminated whenever another command is ready for executing. This consideration is ignored when the minimum pre-fetch is equal to the maximum pre-fetch." 1. At the very least, change "ready for executing" to "ready to execute". 2. As written, the logic a device must implement when a new command comes in is: A. Minimum pre-fetch = 0: Abort pre-fetch. B. Minimum pre-fetch == maximum pre-fetch: Complete pre-fetch before executing new command. C. Pre-fetched less than minimum pre-fetch: Continue pre-fetch at least until minimum pre-fetch is read. D. Pre-fetched more than minimum, less than maximum pre-fetch: Undefined. In particular, if minimum pre-fetch is not 0, there is no requirement that pre-fetch be aborted when a new command is ready to execute (though any reasonable implementation would do so). I think that the paragraph stated above should be changed to: "If pre-fetch has read more than the amount of data specified by the minimum pre-fetch then pre-fetching should be terminated whenever another command is ready to execute. This consideration is ignored when the minimum pre-fetch is equal to the maximum pre-fetch."