From the SCSI Bulletin Board System X3T9.2/90-67 Date: 10 Apr 90 10:52:11 From: Gene Milligan To: All Hosts Subj: LOG SELECT Please refer to Section 7.3.2 of SCSI Rev 10b. The description of the disable save (DS) bit indicates this is a statement of support by the target. The description of the target save disable (TSD) bit is partially informative of support and explicitly controllable by the host. In addition this description explicitly indicates that the host also controls DS. We can speculate on why the host may want to control these bits. An obvious reason could be that the host wanted to avoid any potential performance decrease from the overhead of the save operation (if it assumed the save was statistically significant). But if that were the reason why insist that the target give a CHECK CONDITION for both set to one? From a grammatical standpoint I can see justification for giving a check condition if the host sets DS to one and TSD to zero but not from an engineering standpoint. What are the host oriented opinions?