page 1 of 1 Date: May 9, 1988 X3T9.2/88-055R0 To: X3T9.2 Committee (SCSI) From: James McGrath (Quantum) Subject: Advisory vs Mandatory Bit in the Proposed Read Caching Page In order to insure ease of testing and integration, and in general to increase customer confidence in caching products, there should be some way to force the prefetch quantities described in the read cache mode page to be always used precisely as requested by the initiator. If this is impossible, then an error should be raised to the initiator. This allows the initiator to always know, based upon its knowledge of the commands given, the mode parameters, and the cache size, what data should and should not be in the cache. This knowledge can then be used to verify the cache implementation during testing. In table 8-56 (Read Caching Parameters), designate byte 2, bit 2 (currently reserved) as the AM bit. Insert the following section between the sections describing the ABSOLUTE/MULTPLE SELECTION (AMS) bit (paragraph 3) and the DEMAND READ RETENTION PRIORITY field (paragraph 4): The ADVISORY/MANDATORY (AM) bit is a control parameter. An AM bit of zero indicates that the target shall consider all advisory parameters on this page not to constrain the target in its cache management, but only to advise it. An AM bit of one indicates that the target shall consider all advisory parameters on this page to be control parameters. Thus the retention priorities, when to prefetch, and how much to prefetch, are all determined by the page parameters and the parameters for the current READ command. The target shall not do any other anticipatory prefetching, and shall report an error if the prefetching requested cannot be accomplished.