07/16/87 X3T9.2/87-121 TO: X3T9.2 Committee Members FR: Lawrence J. Lamers RE: File Name Conventions The editor's have adopted the following conventions regarding naming of files. This convention will be fully adopted by the Colorado Springs meeting. These conventions will be adopted on the SCSI-BBS. Your co-operation in complying with these conventions when submitting proposals is appreciated. The SCSI-2 working draft is named as follows: S2R2-01.___ | | -- | | |- section number (01 to 17) | |--- revision level of this file |----- version level of this scsi draftrevision The proposal documents are named as follows: 87-xxxRy.___ | | | | | |- revision of file | |---- document register number |------- year document submitted File extensions are as follows: filename.ws - indicates file is in Wordstar format filename.txt - indicates an ASCII text file (i.e. no high order bits or formating) filename.prn - indicates a file that is formatted output of Wordstar. These files can be copied (redirected) to a printer to produce a hardcopy output. filename.arc - This is a compressed file or files and requires the `ARC` utility to decompress. This utility runs under PC-DOS/MS-DOS. 87-121r0.txt/ljl/07/16/87